Review Review

The UK BestEssays Review You Need to Get Acquainted With

UK.BestEssays offers writing services to students. Students looking for an affordable writing service need to pass this site by. This is not a proven writing service. I am not a client of the service; this UK BestEssays review is written solely on the basis of external research — including testing the company’s order form and checking reviews of some customers who have used this site.

The UK BestEssays Review


There is no information on the site about where the company was founded. It is one of the common mistakes that many writing services make. I think that the company is not based in the UK, which is why they hide this information.

UK.BestEssays provides writing services throughout the UK and US according to the phone numbers presented on the site. In addition to claims of poor-quality service and customer support, the clients also complain about high prices. Since there are lots of negative UK Best Essays reviews, the company should work to cope with the problems faced by its customers, such as low-quality papers and delays with delivery.

The company should confess that it is not a professional academic writing service, and many writers who work there have limited knowledge of the English language. Instead of admitting their mistakes, the UK.BestEssays website says that they provide customers with the best papers ever. For example, they post fake testimonials on their site, though you can see the true reviews on the internet — they differ greatly.


Prices - UK BestEssays

Taking into consideration other writing services, UK.BestEssays offers their help at a rather high cost. The simplest essay written in a day will cost you from $35 to $70!! I bet not many students can afford such spending. Moreover, these costs do not include services like getting your work proofread by the editor. So, if you plan to receive a paper that will not contain mistakes, you will probably need to pay more.


The site offers various services, including essays, term papers, research papers, and so on. All services they offer are quite basic, and you can find the same on other sites as well. Although they say that they provide all services at high quality, the reviews on the internet are out of character with this statement.


As I can see from the name of the site and the information that they present, they provide customers with “a UK essay-writing service.” This suggests that their writers are from the UK as well. But I couldn’t find any information about their writers’ location, and actually there is no info about them at all! Moreover, you can’t even choose the writer when you place an order. I think that such an option should be available on each writing service.


Testimonials - UK BestEssays

Notably, UK.BestEssays has only positive testimonials on its site. Of course, they are fake. You can be assured of this if you simply look at truthful reviews on the internet. The company, of course, may have positive testimonials, but it is impossible to find a writing service that absolutely all customers will like. So, it leads us to the conclusion that the testimonials on the site are simply fake.

Order Form

The site offers customers the chance to buy a paper by filling in the order form. I tried to fill it in quickly, but, unfortunately, spent lots of time on it. So, if you plan to buy a paper fast, forget about it — it is impossible on this site. Considering the order form more attentively, I saw that they require a phone number in addition to an email address. If you are looking for writing help and don’t want to get calls and unnecessary promotion, use other services.

Money-Back Guarantee

An important feature that each writing service should provide customers with is a money-back guarantee. Customers should be confident that the service won’t cheat them. UK.BestEssays does not offer a money-back guarantee. If you use this service and end up not liking the final paper even after requesting revisions, you won’t get your money back. I recommend to use another service that can guarantee that you will get a refund in case you are not satisfied with the writer’s work.


I checked the samples presented on the site. Opening the first sample essay, I noticed that it is written rather poorly, and it does not include a works cited or references section. If you use this service, you have high chances to receive a poorly structured paper that is missing references. The samples presented there prove this.

My Verdict on UK.BestEssays

To be completely honest, it is difficult to evaluate UK.BestEssays in one direction or another — however, there are enough online reviews, and the site has already gained a bad reputation among students. I personally do not want to order papers there, but I’m interested to know how this organization will solve the existing problems.

Moreover, the cost of the services they provide is incredibly high, and it does not include basic features like proofreading. The more complicated the project, the higher the price will be — the prices that I have shown above are just for simple essays, and research and term papers will be even more expensive.

In the end, I don’t like this writing service. I can judge the quality of it due to the availability of reviews on the internet and information presented on the site. I hope in the near future they can provide customers with higher quality service. If someone has used this service, they can share their direct experience in the comments below.

I rate the service 5 of 10.

5 thoughts on “ Review

  1. Don’t use this site for your writing. I ended up simply giving up on the lots of revisions and cut it as a loss.

  2. Us some other site!! The writer was a headache to deal with as well as their customer service!!! He just stole the exuisting article, changed it slightly. Even worse was the customer service respoinse. The incompetency of the dude was clear, but they insisted that the order is done!

  3. I ordered a 300 word essay here. There were mistakes and it was impossible to understand – it just didn’t make sense.

  4. Fully scamming company, as said in this uk bestessays reviews, not even registered to compnayhouse. DO not use.

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