Top 5 Universities of Australia

Top 5 Universities of Australia

Australian students are part of a rigorous and unforgiving educational system that demands them to be on top of their game at all times. However, that competitive environment comes with a great advantage: impressive schools that offer great benefits for their students. The only problem is: which one should you choose?

The following 5 universities are selected as the top choices in the country. Each of them has its own advantages and drawbacks, so the final choice will depend upon your personal judgment.

1. University of Melbourne

One of the greatest advantages of this university is its location, since Melbourne possibly the best student city in the world. The biggest reason for that is the quality of life, but the employer activity should also not be neglected. The business environment in this city offers plenty of opportunities during the studies and right after graduation.

The biggest disadvantage is that this is one of the priciest schools in Australia, so not many students can afford it without relying on financial aid.

2. University of Wollongong

When the surroundings are being considered, Wollongong is much more peaceful than Melbourne. That’s a big advantage if you want to study in a city that combines industrial growth and the beauty of Nature in the most unexpected ways. The University of Wollongong is a very successful university with challenging curriculums that leave space for some flexibility as well.

Its short history is considered as a disadvantage for students who are after prestige and historical status, but it’s a feature that has enabled the school to keep pace with the innovative practices and trends in education.

3. Australian National University

The Australian National University is one of the most eminent research institutions in the world. The aesthetic architecture of the campus depicts the features of the school – it’s modern, flexible, strong and innovative. If you want to become part of the most challenging learning environment in Australia, then this may be the right choice for you. The city life in Canberra satisfies all needs students have.

The biggest disadvantage comes from the overly-challenging curriculums; some students are not ready to deal with all that stress.

4. University of Western Australia

This university has proven reputation in research and learning on an international level. The dynamic environment is an excellent choice for students with active personalities who are eager to take part in different extracurricular activities. The campus, located in Perth, has a very vibrant social life and offers plenty of sporting and cultural activities. The fact that the students at this university graduate with outstanding knowledge and qualifications speak for itself.

The outstanding social life may be considered as a disadvantage by students who want to focus mainly on their studies.

5. Monash University

This is the right place for free-spirited students who are looking for flexibility, great social life and result-oriented studies that don’t impose too much stress. There is always something going on campus and the vibe is more relaxed when compared with the previous options on this list.

That’s a huge advantage for some students, but is also one of the greatest drawbacks of Monash University, since the enjoyable environment is the biggest culprit for the average results in graduate pay and job results.

You have to remember that the choice of a university is a huge decision that you shouldn’t take lightly. It takes a lot of research and consideration to find the right fit for your needs, so start exploring the top choices and choose the most suitable environment for your personal goals and interests.