About Us

About Us

When you exert your physical and mental capacity to balance between college and your first professional endeavors, you somewhat weaken your grasp on studying and stop treating it as your top priority. As a forward-thinking student of one of the US leading educational institutions who stepped on the path of applying the gained knowledge and academic perception to life, I could no longer fully and devotedly immerse myself in the whirlwind of my college commitments. This is where my action-fueled journey into the industry of online custom writing began.

Back then, little could I imagine that I would ever try myself as a review writer. And now, I’d like to shed some light on how I ended up enthusiastically providing the extensive evaluations of the writing services I had collaborated with. My first experiences with writing companies were utterly dismaying, to say the least of it. The services I dealt with severely lacked the right professional approach and favorable treatment of their clientele, failing to match the canons of proper academic assistance. My expectations for high-quality custom papers I ordered from these writing business “cripples” were smashed by the negligence and incompetence they tried to veneer under pretentious claims and well-developed argumentation.

Dispirited and frustrated, I started seeking the avenues of combating the colossal deception and scam that the writing industry is smothered by. And, you know, I did find one. At some point, it occurred to me that the most effective way I could make my solid contribution in fighting the “writing” artifice was disseminating the knowledge about the services I have used through my accurate and even-handed reviews. Shattering the fake grandeur of treacherous services and promoting commendable organizations is how I see my mission of purging this industry of the exponential fraud and disgrace.

My name is Hollman Merle and I rebel against the writing business plague using my unbiased opinion and longing for justice.

To contact me, please, use the following email – [email protected]