Review Review

Essay Jedi Review: Beware of the Dark Side

MY RATING: 2.2/10

Price from: $8.48 per page

Discount: no

Deadline: min. 3 hours

Payment: PayPal

Overall Impression

I’ll be honest, I knew nothing about this service before I suddenly found it while googling for essay writing services. I’m not a fan of Star Wars, but thematic essay websites always attract my attention. In this article, I want to share with you a positive and negative experience with this website. Read my EssayJedi review to find out about its quality and reliability.

EssayJedi has a lovely main page that creates a good first impression, which is very important for any service. While the design seems to be fine, the content could be better. There is incomplete information about the ordering process, and creators frequently use general phrases like, “Pay your Writer for what you like.”

The FAQ section is written with great neglect to the reader. It’s a mix of questions from clients and writers. There is not enough information for me as a customer, so why not expand this section?

Also, I have done some quick research and found that this service may be an affiliate service from Russia. Nothing criminal about the country, but I can’t trust a service that works as an affiliate. If you input “ reviews” in a Google search, you will find only a bit of outdated information and reviews.

Conclusion: Cute design and poor content. If you have questions, you need to contact the support or make an order and find out everything on your own.

Rating: 3/10

Services and Quality

On the main page, it’s quite easy to make an order. But EssayJedii offers quite a limited number of papers and services. At the same time, I couldn’t find enough description of additional services. Only when you make an order and create your personal account can you find out a bit more information about their services.

If you are not as curious as I am, here is some information that I have found. EssayJedii offers three types of services: writing from scratch, rewriting, and editing. It’s a typical list of services for a writing service, nothing special. Also, you can choose the writer’s level (but in fact, it should be the paper’s level of complexity): school, university, and doctor.

The service doesn’t offer the ability to make a free request. I think this option is necessary if you need a highly specific assignment. Yes, you can choose the “Other” category in the order form and wait until the right writer finds you. In fact, it may occur that they don’t have a writer that can complete your order, or you will need to spend hours waiting for the “one.”

Also, you can find the list of latest orders without dates on the main page. If the service hides data to remain confidential, it’s better not to disclose the paper’s topic either. Unfortunately, this information doesn’t add any valuable information about the service.

Services and Quality -Essayjedii

Conclusion: I’m not satisfied with the number of services the website offers. I’m also disappointed that EssayJedii doesn’t provide enough information about its services.

Rating: 5/10

Prices and Discounts

Prices start from $8.48, and it’s quite cheap even for a school-level essay. However, I did not find any tables or price calculators on the website. Personally, I think this looks suspicious, as I prefer to see the price or at least an approximate cost to expect.

As I have understood, EssayJedii works on a bidding system. The service claims that they offer flexible prices, but what if the price will be too high for me?

Additionally, you can use a quite moderate list of services. Note that all of them are non-refundable. I don’t understand some of these features, as good customer support, quality papers, and quick ordering process should be set by default. Also, if the service wants to attract customers with low prices, will they pay an extra $21.99? Just ridiculous!

Prices and Discounts Essayjedii

In addition to this, there are not any discounts on the website. When you register on the website it mentions that you will be sent offers. But after three months after registration on EssayJedii, I haven’t received any promotional information or sales offers.

Conclusion: The pricing policy has not been fully disclosed. No discounts and special offers.

Rating: 3/10

EssayJedii Review: Guarantees and Money-Back Policy

Most writing services offer features like a money-back guarantee, and other bonus policies like free revisions, total privacy, and more. This service is an exception, and you need to consider some details.

Any payment you make with EssayJedii is non-refundable. Also, you can’t claim a refund after you have sent the final payment to the writer. This will mean that you are fully satisfied with the paper. Also, all extra services are non-refundable too.

As for the revisions policy, you can chat with your writer via online chat and ask to make changes in your work and correct mistakes. All concerns about the quality the customer should solve by themselves. If you are entirely unsatisfied with the order, the service offers you the ability to cancel the order, leave negative feedback, and make a new order with a different writer. Such a marvelous solution to the situation!

Conclusion: In fact, you as a customer get no guarantees at all. No refunds. The service has no responsibility for the quality of their papers. Zero!

Rating: 0/10

Customer Support

I have decided to contact customer support to ask some questions related to the work of the service. How long have I waited for the response? A half an hour, my friends! Maybe I was unlucky, or the support works only in certain hours, but there is no information about the work schedule on the website. It was quite disappointing and irritating that you can’t receive valuable information. Usually, even poor services have great customer support, as they understand that it’s a direct connection with customers.

Conclusion: Slooooow customer support. No more comments.

Rating: 0/10

Can I Recommend EssayJedii?

In fact, after all the information I have gathered for this Essay Jedi review, I had no desire to place an order there. No refunds, no clear pricing system, a lack of information about the service, slow customer support… Should I continue? Everything is just saying, “It’s a SCAM! Don’t use it!!!”

6 thoughts on “ Review

  1. I paid good money for the paper written by an amateur. Both customer support and the writers do poor job. I wasted time to get a quality paper but the writer just skipped all my comments. In short, don’t give this company your money. Learn from my mistakes and run away from EssayJedii.

  2. Beware! Wasted a week and more than $100 on a useless essay. No research, grammar mistakes, no thesis statement. Tried to get a revision and received the same paper without changes. Won’t use it AGAIN!!!

  3. Received a completely plagiarized text. I was lucky to check it before the submission. Never use this service!

  4. This place is a complete scam. Waited for a writer for my paper for hours and they didn’t find any.

  5. Was attracted by cheap price and paid twice. Paper was awful and I reordered a new paper on other service. Don’t recommend essayjedii.

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