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Gonerdify.com Review

Gonerdify Review for Those Who Have Doubts

Writing services are extremely popular nowadays. For nearly 10 years, they have served as academic helpers for students. To the dismay of many students, there are lots of writing services that can’t provide customers with quality help. One of these services is Gonerdify. I believe it is important for you to use only a professional writing service. There are desirable features for any writing service, but Gonerdify often fails in these categories.


In this Gonerdify review, I want to talk first about the types of services. They use a non-standard text-message service to get in touch with customers. Because they require your phone number, they really don’t provide much in the way of confidentiality. I think that this way of providing help is not very convenient.

Services like this one lack even a hint of safety. If you don’t want to share your personal information, you need to get a new phone number. That is a great disadvantage for a service. But the real disaster here is their Facebook messenger. Despite the fact that it is more convenient than using a phone number, they get access to more of customers’ personal information.


No matter what type of writing services we use, each of them should provide a table of prices. Gonerdify doesn’t want to reveal prices to visitors. It is obvious that you will not be able to understand whether you have to spend a lot here. You should think carefully before choosing this service, because it is also difficult to get a discount.


Lots of Gonerdify reviews and testimonials say that the quality of their work is really poor. You pay money for quality help, but they can’t promise that you will receive what you want in the proper way. The service acts like an intermediary between a customer and a “nerd.” Respectively, if you don’t like the service provided, you will not get your money back.

Their Nerds

Gonerdify Review Their Nerds

I think it does not make sense to say that ratings and completed requests of their nerds can be a lie. In general, the idea to present their employees is good, but I have doubts that these are actual people on the photos with actual degrees. Moreover, I have read lots of comments from customers that say their writers can’t cope with tasks professionally.


It is quite difficult for a customer to get in touch with support. This primarily refers to the fact that they want you to communicate with the writer without involving the service in it. In this way, you can discuss with your “nerd” some status details, but when it’s about some serious things like a money-back option, the nerd will not help you. In this case, it is better to use a service that has clear information about how you can get your money back and a support team ready to help.


Gonerdify  Review Testimonials

In this Gonerdify review, it is important to mention testimonials. Before you use any writing service, you need to read through feedback from other customers. I decided to find out whether the testimonials on the site show the truth. But I refuse to believe they are true because I looked around on the Internet and found that customers are actually not satisfied with it.

Even if you try to click customers’ names on the site to get redirected to the Facebook page, you can’t do it. I think lying in this way is not a good move. You can look for different services that present reviews and where customers leave their comments. You will see that Gonerdify is not a good option for you.


Each writing service should have a helpful and interesting blog. There should be posts that can help students with their papers if they decide to write papers on their own. Before you decide to use Gonerdify, look at their blog. It is very difficult to force yourself to use this site when you look at posts on their blog.

Most of their blog posts are about the lifestyle of a student, but there are a few posts that can really help in academic writing. A good blog should contain posts with topics for papers, how-to articles, and samples of essays. The existence of such posts shows that the writing service does not only want to get money from you but offer help as well.

Privacy Policy

When using writing services, pay attention to privacy and confidentiality. Of course, you can forget about privacy when you include your phone number and Facebook ID on a site like Gonerdify. I can understand when a writing service requires an e-mail address for signing in, but a phone number and the access to my Facebook page is too much. Gonerdify is not a writing service that can provide you with privacy and confidentiality.


It is hard to find any benefits on Generdify. I often face bad writing services, but this one seems to be one of the worst. When you use this service, it becomes clear that they try to avoid responsibility in all possible ways. As a result, customers remain unsatisfied and can’t get their money back. All testimonials that I have seen told me that the service wasn’t worth the attention at all. It is clear to me that I need to look for another option if I want to get professional writing help.

I rate the service 4 out of 10.

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